
Maailmameistri võistlused Posti Spordis Sveitsis.

29.okt käisin esindamas Eestit posti spordi maailmameistri võistlustel. Saavutasin Eliit kategoorias 13.nda koha. Eestis olen parima koha omanik. Siin on minu võistlus video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIvH0HFtc2M

By |December 11th, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Kanal 2 Õhtu saade 🙂

Käisin Kanal 2 Õhtu saates rääkimas postitantsust ja maailmameistri võistlustest. 🙂 https://ohtu.kanal2.ee/7635114/ohtu-eesti-paases-postitantsus-mm-ile-kulas-on-postiakrobaat-eliise-piirla

By |December 11th, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Postitantsu Artikkel

MM-le pürgiv postiakrobaat Eliise Piirla: paljud peavad mind siiani strippariks, aga ajaga üha vähem Kas postitants kuulub ainult hämaratesse klubidesse või ka hästivalgustatud stuudiotesse ning võistluslavadelegi? Mis on üleüldse postiakrobaatika ning -tantsu vahe? Kas iga [...]

By |July 19th, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

National Championship in Finland

On the 28th of May I competed at National Championships in Finland and placed first in my category. I have qualified for the World championships in Switzerland. I feel amazing and cant wait to go [...]

By |June 19th, 2022|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Performing at Saku Vald (Saku County) 155 event

Had this awesome show where we performed together with Anna and Katja on aerial silks and we had a live choir singing as well. The show was one of the longest silks shows I have [...]

By |October 11th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments

Bätteljämm 2021 at Sõltumatu tantsulava

So on 15th of august Bätteljämm 2021 took place at Sõltumatu tantsulava. And basically its a dance off battle with different categories. So this year there were 3 categories. *Happening *Performance *Pole dance   It [...]

By |October 11th, 2021|Categories: Blog|0 Comments